Human Resources Activities
In accordance with the strategy and objectives of Sarımet Global Human Resources, it aims to specify the principles of human resources management and to ensure the effective implementation of its activities.
Employees or candidates in the recruitment process are offered equal job opportunities without any discrimination based on race, ethnicity, gender, belief, age, nationality, religion, color, disability, marital status, sexual orientation, political opinion or any other reason prohibited by law.
With the awareness that the power of “employee” makes a difference, we carry out our selection and placement processes in line with the determined strategies.
“Personality Tests, General Ability Tests and Foreign Language Tests” are among the methods used in addition to the “Competence Based Interview” practices in order to find the most suitable candidate for the position in our recruitment processes.
University students who are required to do internship during the summer period and Vocational High School students during the winter period are provided with internship opportunities in order to contribute to their preparation for business life by providing an environment for the application of the theoretical knowledge they have received.
Career Opportunity for New Graduates
We support the participation of young talents in the workforce, we attach importance to bringing them into our family and raising them in technical fields.
Training & Development
As with all human resources practices, training-development activities are also associated with Sarımet’s strategic goals and priorities. Current and future organizational and individual requirements are taken into account.
Performance Management System
Adoption of company goals by all employees, individual performances to reach the common goal and creating a high performance culture in our workplace are among the most important factors for the success of our company.
Our performance management system has been developed to evaluate individual performances in an open and impartial manner. We aim to prioritize our employees, who make a difference by demonstrating high performance through the effective use of this system, for opportunities that come to the fore in our company.
KVKK (Law on Protection of Personal Data) and Illumination Text
Our company aims to process the personal data of its employees in accordance with the provisions of the Law on Protection of Personal Data No. 6698 and other legislation.
Your personal data will be recorded, stored, preserved, rearranged, within the framework of the purpose for which they are processed and in connection with this purpose, in a limited and measured manner, by preserving the accuracy and the most up-to-date version of the personal data notified or you have notified to our Company, the institutions that are legally authorized to request this personal data and that, under the conditions stipulated by the Law on Protection of Personal Data, it will be transferred to domestic or foreign third parties, transferred, classified and processed in other ways listed in the Law on Protection of Personal Data and may be subjected to other processes listed in the Law on Protection of Personal Data.
For more detailed information, you can review the policy, procedure and clarification texts prepared in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Law.